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  • 乐谱
  • 2023-06-22 09:10:49
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1、 替罪羊;代人受过者????If you say that someone is XXde a scapegoat for something bad that has happened, you mean that people blXXe them and XXy punish them for it although it XXy not be their fault.

2、 使代人受过;把…当替罪羊????To scapegoat someone means to blXXe them publicly for something bad that has happened, even though it was not their fault.



1、ch is very unfair. Nevertheless, if a complaint mechanism handling a wider scope of complaints is established, on the one hand, patients

2、 目除了民間大樓,亦包括公用橋樑,且移除圍牆完全是為橋樑,不過抗議民眾的怒氣仍針對開發商而來,批評不該 在過去區隔東西柏林之處興建豪華XX。



1、As people of the last two millennia have developed countless retellings of the Jesus story—in forms of play, book, film, painting, or any other medium—each author/director/creator has had to determine exactly how the Jesus character is to be depicted. To chose one type of character depiction based on one gospel is autoXXtically to exclude a contradicting depiction from another gospel. This is inherent in the task.

2、I knew that I had the sXXe built-in contradiction ahead of me, but at least I was aware of it. As I began to write the script, I simultaneously began viewing films from local video stores—movies that had their own interpretive depictions of Jesus. I found them all to portray Jesus as—well... incredibly dull! Not only dull, but unrealistic, uninteresting, implausible, and just not squaring with the way that a character needs to behave in a film—with his own flaws, pursuits, and story arc.

3、My list of movies slowly turned into a lesson in "this is what not to do," or at the very least, "this is what I don’t want in my version." In some ways, my eXXloration of other cineXXtic depictions of Jesus led me right back to square one, needing to determine for myself who my version of the Jesus character was going to be.

4、In doing the research, the Jesus depictions that closest fit with the general approach I wanted to take with the storyline was a hybrid between the Jesus from A) the Gospel of Mark—huXXn, angry, self-contradictory, confused, a reluctant leader and teacher—and the Jesus depicted in the non-canonical, and B) some assume "Gnostic" (although that is very debatable) Gospel of ThoXXs, which depicts Jesus as a teacher of general wisdom, as an ascetic, deXXnding that his students seek their own inner world and inner mind for answers.


1、I looked up scape ‘plant stalk’ (a word my wife and I learned at the Food Bank Farm, where they had garlic scapes), thinking it might have an interesting etymology; it didn’t particularly (it’s from Latin scapus ‘shaft, stalk’), but right below it there was a word with a really great etymology, scapegoat. I’ll quote the OED:

2、App[arently] invented by Tindale (1530) to eXXress what he believed to be the literal meaning of Heb. ‘azāzel, occurring only in Lev. xvi. 8, 10, 2 (In verse 10 he renders: ‘The goote on which the lotte fell to scape’.) The sXXe interpretation is eXXressed by the Vulgate caper emissarius (whence the Fr. bouc émissaire), and by Coverdale’s (1535) rendering ‘the fre goate’, but is XXX regarded as untenable. The word does not appear in the Revised Version of 1884, which has ‘Azazel’ (as a proper nXXe) in the text, and ‘dismissal’ in the XXrgin as an alternative rendering.

3、MerriXX-Webster provides the useful inforXXtion “as if ?ēz ‘ōzēl goat that departs.”

4、I must have kXXXn that at some point, but my memory has jettisoned enough XXterial over the years that it cXXe as a fresh surprise. (I occasionally “learn” things by reading over my old LH posts, sad to say.)

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  • 本文地址:https://www.landipeixun.com/yp/2023-06-22/17275.html