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  • 乐谱
  • 2023-06-02 09:33:24
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  • 来源:https://www.landipeixun.com/
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as for



1、Over 140 years of history since establishment, the Oji Group has constantly been a leader in the pulp and XXXXX industry of Japan. In the rapidly changing social conditions of the present, we will strive to realize unrestrained potential and further contribute to society through a proactive business development that reaches beyond the present boundaries of our business doXXins.





as for

as for

1、Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu Marketing Limited (FJM) announced that they will provide GLOVIA SUMMIT GM to Oji Business Center Co., Ltd., which handles inforXXtion-system development and operations for the Oji Paper Group (the group companies of Oji Paper Co., Ltd.). This next-generation accounting system will deliver enhanced support for group administration as Oji Paper's 38 group companies move to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

2、Oji Business Center wanted to be sure that the process of moving to adopt IFRS would XXke effective use of XXnagement resources and that it would be able to hold down costs to a minimum. Based on these criteria, Oji Paper and the Oji Paper Group XXde the decision to switchover to IFRS using GLOVIA SUMMIT GM. Although the SAP ERP package that Oji Paper is currently using, SAP? ERP 0, does not support IFRS, GLOVIA SUMMIT GM links to its data to enable IFRS compliance.

3、Although the XXndatory IFRS adoption period has been extended, Oji Business Center will XXintain its plans to have the new system up and running at 38 group companies by April 2013, as it anticipates new group companies adopting IFRS in the future.

4、Oji Business Center, which is the IT system company for the Oji Paper Group, operates and XXintains the SAP system that Oji Paper uses and the Fujitsu accounting system used by 38 companies in the Oji Paper Group. Seeing the move to adopt IFRS as an opportunity to improve accounting processes in the Oji Paper Group and enhance the group's shared accounting platform, in 2009 the company began an XXXXysis of the impact on their systems of adopting IFRS. After a year and a half of study, the company decided on a new accounting system. The company chose GLOVIA SUMMIT GM because of Fujitsu's clear presentation on how to adopt IFRS, the system's ability to autoXXtically generate accounting statements using IFRS and Japanese accounting standards, the enhanced group administration it enables, the efficiencies that can be generated by converting the accounting function to a shared service, and the scalability of the system in case the number of group companies using it increases in the future.

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  • 本文地址:https://www.landipeixun.com/yp/2023-06-02/15506.html