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词典的用法(the lack of)

  • 乐谱
  • 2023-03-09 08:45:38
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词典的用法(the lack of)



the lack of




1、 班卓:随着一代一代人的繁衍,他们的文化、信仰等等也逐渐开始形成相对不同于祖先们,其中在肯塔基州的蓝草(Bluegrass)地区逐渐形成了当地古老的粮食丰收晚会上的班卓(banjo)音乐和提琴音乐,以及南部山区的叙事歌曲等因素发展而成的音乐形式,

2、 五弦琴:小提琴曲调多在小提琴、吉他、曼陀铃、五弦琴(banjo)上演奏,当然也可以在口琴上吹奏. 从口琴课程41起(10孔口琴中级教程),草堂将带大家领略用口琴吹奏小提琴曲调的奥妙.

3、 班鸠琴:至於当时流行的拨弦乐器,除了吉他以外还有曼陀林(Mandolin)、班鸠琴(Banjo)与乌克丽丽(Ukelele)等类似的乐器. 古典吉他除了使用的弦(早期使用羊肠弦,今日则使用尼龙弦)与民谣吉他不同外,

4、 It's hard to find artifacts that are real American, but the present day banjo **y be one of them.

the lack of

the lack of

1、The "Shikarris" are a high-caste regiment, and you must be able to do things well-- play a

2、 and commence to sing, the youthful inhabitants of the neighborhood, who have gathered round in e**ectation, become disappointed.

3、He heard in one room a tittering and incontinent, slack laughter; in others the monologue of a scold, the rattling of dice, a lullaby, and one crying dully; above him a

4、 players were leaning back and chewing gum; and in New York restaurants only death or a classical speciality can stop banjoists.



1、A banjo is a stringed instrument that has a classically rounded body with a long, thin neck. The number of strings varies depending on the type: a classical banjo has only four or five strings, but other versions **y have as **ny as six. The instrument's sound is commonly associated with bluegrass and country western music in the United States, although it appears in other musical genres as well. Musicians all over the world pick up the banjo for its distinctive style and sound, and are constantly refining the instrument to suit their specific needs.

2、Stringed instruments have been played for thousands of years throughout hu**n civilization. The banjo probably originated in Africa, where an instrument called the mbanza was **de by stretching ani**l skin over a gourd and adding a long neck with strings that were meant to be plucked by the musician. These stringed instruments were brought over to the Americas by captured slaves, and the first recorded instance of the word dates from the mid 1700s. In the 1800s, black minstrel shows **de the banjo commonplace, and frets were added to the instrument to change the sound. The gourd had been replaced by a flat wood or metal fr**e by the time the instrument e**loded into popular culture.

3、Traditional banjos come in four or five string variants, usually, with the five string pegged partway up the neck and serving as a drone. The six string version is tuned and played much like a guitar, and some other exotic variants include even more strings. Musicians usually wear multiple finger picks to pluck the instrument, although some prefer to use their fingers instead. Banjo music is characterized by a distinctive “rinky-tink” sound, although there are a number of different playing styles, depending on the style of music and the training that the musician has received.

4、Four string variants include the tenor banjo, which has a shorter neck and a different tuning than a traditional model. Tenor banjos are often used in Irish music and in Dixieland bands. The plectrum banjo, another incarnation, has a longer traditional neck, and is designed to be played with a single pick, like a guitar. Musicians tend to strum more than pluck chords with this type, leading to a different style of sound. The banjo has also been hybridized with numerous instruments, including bouzoukis, ukuleles, **ndolins, and guitars. These variants meld the distinctive sounds of their parent instruments for a unique sound and resonance.

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  • 本文地址:https://www.landipeixun.com/yp/2023-03-09/8163.html