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as for(别人发cancanneed我该怎么回)

  • 曲谱知识
  • 2023-02-10 10:20:18
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as for(别人发cancanneed我该怎么回)


as for




as for

as for

1、We have been happy to use CanCan to help us with our company's global e**ansion. CanCan's accounting software supports multi-currency **nagement, and helps us **nage our global financial data. In our e**erience, CanCan is the most flexible financial software for cross-border businesses.



1、英语CanCan是什么意思? —— cancan法国的一种舞蹈,由很多女性一起表演,《红磨坊》里就出现过这种舞蹈场景康康(cancan,法)19世纪末盛行于法国的舞曲,快速,2/4拍,热烈而粗俗。最著名的是奥芬**所作轻歌剧《地狱中的奥菲欧》中的康康舞曲。CANCAN服装品牌故事CANCAN

2、cancan 音标:[kɑ?kɑ?]n. m 1闲话, 流言蜚语 les cancans, les discussions s'entrecroisaient (Flaubert)流言和议论商谈交错在一起 2康康舞[19世纪末起巴黎流行的一种舞蹈]

3、***猫 自1950年代以来***一直很受欢迎,但却给培育者严峻的挑战,因为那时人们对颜色基因不甚了解。. 特征 许多***英国短毛猫总是带着虎斑,或带有多个的浅粉红色。眼睛从深金色到铜色不一。. 附注 最早培育出来

4、就是康康舞 康康舞起源于法国,原是一种轻快粗犷的舞蹈。通常由4名女子表演,是洗衣妇、女裁缝等劳动妇女载歌载舞的一种形式。之后风行于歌舞厅。High-Kicks,高踢腿,康康舞的典型动作,这个是要一下子把腿直直踢到耳朵边



1、cancan: [19] The English word was borrowed from French, where it originally, in the 16th century, meant ‘noise, uproar’. Its ulti**te source is unk***n, although it has traditionally been associated with Latin quanqu** ‘although’, taken to be the prelude to a noisy scholastic argument. Its application to the uproarious dance began in the 19th century, in French as well as English; however, its presentday association with high-kicking chorus girls (with, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, ‘extravagant and indecent gestures’) seems to be a slightly later development, since the earliest ex**ples of its use quoted by the OED apparently refer to men: ‘He usually compromises by dancing the Can-can’, A E Sweet, Texas Siftings 188

2、also can-can, 1848, from French, possibly from can, a French children's word for "duck" (see canard), via some notion of "waddling" too obscure or obscene to attempt to disentangle here. Or perhaps from French cancan (16c.) "noise, disturbance," echoic of quacking.

3、 The utility model provides a solar energy environment - friendly type sanitary garbage cancan open a cover auto**tically.


1、abiosafety, virology, cell &**p; molecular biology and electron microscopy biosafety,**学、细胞&**p;分子生物学和电子显微镜术

2、aRegarding the s**ples, we are *** working on a design with our graphist and I would like to ask you for a printed version in mono color. 关于样品,我们现在研究一个设计与我们的graphist,并且我希望在单音颜色要求您一个打印的版本。

3、athe previous overclocking had failed,and system will restore it's default setting 早先overclocking发生了故障,并且系统将恢复它是缺省设置

4、aCisco routers will first attempt to load a i**ge from TFTP for **nagement purposes Cisco路由器将试图从TFTP装载图象为管理目的

can   is   in   ing
  • 本文地址:https://www.landipeixun.com/qpzs/2023-02-10/6391.html